North Country

It's when they cross over it...
:47:02 when most gals
give them a slap on the hand...

...get them back on their side
of that line.

That's how men and women have been
handling problems since Adam and Eve.

Okay, guys, that's it.
I'm out of here.
- Hey, you want a ride?
- Josey, stay a moment, would you?

I'd like to have a word with you.
Don't stick me.
That looks great.
Okay. We'll get it straight this time.
Stand up straight.
Was that my dress?
- A little young for Communion, no?
- No, never too young to be with God.

You been watching this?
- He referred to the size
of his own penis...

- Oh, dear God. Turn it off. being larger than norm...

That poor man's family.
- Alice?
- Here.

Great. I'm not staying long.
Just wanna let you know Sammy's
got a game on Sunday.
