North Country

Oh, it's tough stuff, getting up
in front of all those sons of bitches.

No. "Tough" is sticking this shit out
day after day...

...without bitching and moaning.
What are you doing in here?
That stuff really gets the soot
off your hands.

Doesn't it?
All I'm saying...
:42:30's easy for her to get up and say
whatever she wants when she already quit.

- The rest of us still gotta work here.
- Easy? I'd like to see you do it.

It's easy when you're crazy.
She's definitely crazy.
- Hey, let me borrow some of that cream.
- Buy your own.

- Creep took half of mine.
- So you're okay getting on that stand...

...and saying she's lying, right?
I'm gonna do what I gotta do.
Plus, we all signed
those affidavits already...

...which means we don't have
a choice anymore, right?

Right, Betty?
Oh, God.
Oh, fuck.
Who is Sammy's father?
I don't know who Sammy's father is.
Because you've had so many
sexual partners?

Objection. Plaintiff's sexual history
is irrelevant, Your Honor.

Miss Conlin, who is the gentleman
entering the courtroom?

Mr. Paul Lattavansky, Your Honor,
Miss Aimes' high school teacher.

We've subpoenaed him
as an impeachment witness.

I have so many objections,
I don't know where to start.

- Witness will answer.
- Again:

- Miss Aimes, who is Sammy's father...?
- My son...
