Off the Map

"So quiet, too, was the sea,
and so steady the breeze...

...that if these sails
had been sculpted marble...

...they could not have been
more motionless.

Not a ripple upon the surface
of the canvas...

...not even a quivering
of the extreme edges of the sail...

:22:20 perfectly were they distended
by the breeze.

I was so lost in the sight
that I forgot...

...the presence of the man
who came out with me...

...until he said, half to himself:
'How quietly they do their work."'
Charley, where are you?
Charley, answer me. Charley?
Charley. Charley!
Please, Charley, just do me
this one favor, please.

If you go somewhere, just let me
know when you leave, okay?

Where you going?
Come on. Up, up, Simba.
And next, the very lovely Carl.
Thattaboy, Carl.
And now, Elaine,
the pit bull from Spain.

Come on, come on, jump up.
Try again, come on.
And now, Senor Chico himself.
He'll just get moving.

Come on, boy, get cracking.
Show some life.

What's the story?
