
Evergreen Tree Garden
Evergreen Old Boy
Sangnok High School
alumni homepage

Evergreen Secret Diary
Jung Sang rok's personal site

Norwegian Wood, Evergreen...
Welcome to
Evergreen Old Boys

The Sangnok High School
Alumni Homepage

But it's time to close up
Can't I look at the records
of Class '79?

It's dark
so turn on the lights

Take your time
Joo hwan?
Let me ask you something

Do you know
Lee Woojin of Class '79?

I think he went to America
to study

Lee Woojin?
Don't know him
So is that the bastard's name?

How'd you find out?
I looked through all the school's albums
and found his face

I don't know who someone is
just with a name

Got anything else?
Why don't you look for
the school records or something?

Do you know Lee Soo ah?
She was in the same grade

Lee Soo ah?
She died
What class was she in?

Homeroom two of our senior year
She was in my room

Next to yours
So what about her?

Why is there no photo?
Ah, she died so that's why
How did Soo ah die?
That's right, you wouldn't know
