Oliver Twist

So you wanted to get away,
my dear, did you?

Wanted to call for the police,
did you?

We'll soon cure you of that.
I won't stand by
and see this done, Fagin.

You got the boy.
What more do you want?

Keep quiet, Nancy, or I'll quieten you
for a good long time to come.

Let him be. Let him be!
You're a fine one for the boy
to make a friend of.

God Almighty help me, I am.
He's a thief, a liar, a devil,
all that's bad from this night forth.

Ain't that enough for the old wretch
without blows?

Come, come, we must have
civil words. Civil words.

Civil words?
Civil words, you old villain!

I thieved for you when I was a child
not half as old as this.

It's your living.
Yes, and you're the wretch
that drove me to it...

...and who will keep me at it,
day and night, till I die!

Dodger, Charley,
put Oliver to bed.

Best to take them clothes off.
They're too good to sleep in.

Charley's right. This here suit cost
more than 4 pence ha'penny.

I never felt such lovely stuff.
Have you, Dodger?

Not me. But I'm willing to lay odds...
...this is the same stuff
the queen wears on Sundays.

Quick, get him.
Take it off.
Lift him up.
Up he goes.
Get them shoes off.
