Oliver Twist

-ls this the boy, sir?
-Yes, lm afraid it is

Thats a good one
Did you hear him , afraid it is?

-Poor fellows hurt himself
-Yeah , I did that, sir

Hurt me knuckle against his mouth
But I stopped him

-Get up!
-lt wasnt me, sir lt wasnt me

Of course it wasnt lt never is
-Now get up
-Dont hurt him

Oh , no, sir, I wont hurt him
This way, gentlemen
This way, gentlemen
-Whats next?
-That is my name and address, sir

Officer, who is this fellow?
-My name is Brownlow
-Hold your tongue

Officer, whats this fellow
charged with?

Oh , no, no Hes not charged ,
Your Worship

He appears against the boy
-Swear him
-Before I am sworn

- I must beg to say one word
-Hold your tongue, sir

-I will not, sir!
-Hold your tongue this instant

Youre an insolent,
impertinent fellow

-How dare you bully a magistrate

Swear this person
lll not hear another word Swear him

I do solemnly swear to tell
the whole truth , so help me God

-Whats the charge against the boy?
-I was at a bookstore when--

Hold your tongue!
Wheres the policeman?

Policeman , what is this?
Are there any witnesses?

-None, Your Worship
-The boy is ill

Oh , yes, I daresay
Come along , you vagabond
None of your tricks here

Whats your name?
Whats your name,
you hardened scoundrel?

-Officer, whats his name?
-Whats your name, boy?

Some water Some water
He says his name is Sam Waters,
Your Worship

-Where does he live?
-Where do you live?

-Anywhere he can , Your Worship
-Stuff and nonsense

Dont try to make a fool out of me
No, I think he really is ill ,
Your Worship

I know better,
or my names not Fang

Stand away, officer Hes shamming
He stands committed
for three months

Hard labor, of course
Clear the office

Stop Stop, stop!
Dont take him away
