On a Clear Day

Get an ambulance, Joan!
Please, no.
You"re all right, man.
Get out of my way!
lt"s OK. He"s OK. Dad"s fine.
lt was a panic attack.
That"s what the doctor said.

- What?
- A panic attack.

Only, don"t mention it when he comes out.
OK, let"s go.
- Eddie rang me.
- Eddie"s got a big mouth.

- He was worried.
- l slipped, OK?

- Can l get money for a can of Coke?
- You collapsed.

- Mum says you had a panic attack.
- l slipped and fell. lt happens.

- What are you asking me for?
- Have you got money for a can of Coke?

No, l don"t. Have you got your purse?
- No, l don"t have my purse.
- Ask your dad for the money.

- How do l get out of here?
- Down there.

- Right, left?
- That way, Frank.

- Right, l"ll find it.
- l"m really sorry, love.

Come on, boys, let"s go.
- What is the matter with you?
- You shouldn"t...

- You could have said hello.
- You should not have told him.

- Hands.
(Lift door shuts)

- ls Pappy all right?
- Of course he is.

Do you like Pappy?
Pappy and l are just different.
Pappy doesn"t like you.
Oh, look who it is. Frank"s little girl.
Are our fish suppers ready yet, Chinaman?
Oh, God love us.
He"s a real chatterbox tonight, isn"t he?
