Pride & Prejudice

I'm no longer surprised at your knowing
only six accomplished women.

- I wonder at you knowing any.
- Are you so severe on your own sex?

I never saw such a woman. She would
certainly be a fearsome thing to behold.

Miss Elizabeth,
let us take a turn about the room.

It's refreshing, is it not,
after sitting so long in one attitude?

It is a small kind of accomplishment,
I suppose.

Will you not join us, Mr Darcy?
You can only have two motives,
and I would interfere with either.

What can he mean?
The surest way to disappoint him
would be to ask him nothing.

Do tell us, Mr Darcy.
Either you are
in each other's confidence

and you have
secret affairs to discuss,

or you are conscious
that your figures

appear to the greatest
advantage by walking.

If the first,
I should get in your way.

If the second,
I can admire you much better from here.

How shall we punish him
for such a speech?

- We could laugh at him.
- No. Mr Darcy is not to be teased.

Are you too proud, Mr Darcy? And would
you consider pride a fault or a virtue?

- I couldn't say.
- We're trying to find a fault in you.

I find it hard to forgive
the follies and vices of others,

or their offences against me.
My good opinion,
once lost, is lost forever.

Oh, dear.
I cannot tease you about that.

What a shame,
for I dearly love to laugh.

A family trait, I think.
