Racing Stripes

I'm Franny, this is Reggie,
and Mr. Sensitive here is Tucker.

And that old goat there is an old goat.
It's the Chief.
- You used to be so nice.
- Yeah, I know, but I got over it.

Why do you have to be
such a horse's...?

Well, let's just get you dried off first,
all right?

He's got real strong legs.
He's quite the little athlete.
Hey, buddy.
Why don't you grab the milk
and see if he'll come to you.

Come here, boy. Come on.
Come on. Come on. There you are.
Come on, boy.
Come on.
- Welcome to your new home, Stripes.
- Stripes?

Well, "Spot" doesn't work, now, does it?
You like that name, don't you?
Well, I'll take that as a yes.
Good morning, Walsh Farm!
Well, I know it's not glamorous,
but it's a living.

Keeps my head on my shoulders, which
is more than I can say for my cousins.

Simmer down there, Lightning.
