
La vie
La vie bohème
La vie bohème
La vie bohème
- La vie bohème
- To days of inspiration

Playin' hooky
Makin' somethin' out of nothin'

The need to express
To communicate

To going against the grain
Going insane

- La vie bohème
- Going mad

- La vie bohème
- To loving tension

No pension
To more than one dimension

To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension

Not to mention, of course
Hating dear old Mom and Dad

To riding your bike midday
Past the three-piece suits

To fruits
To no absolutes

To Absolut
To choice

To the Village Voice
To any passing fad
To being an us for once
Instead of a them

La vie bohème
La vie bohème
Hey, mister.
She's my sister.
So that's five miso soup
Four seaweed salad

Three soy-burger dinner
Two tofu-dog platter

And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
- And 13 orders of fries, is that it here?
- Wine and beer

To handcrafted beers
Made in local breweries

To yoga
To yogurt

To rice and beans and cheese
To leather
To dildos

To curry vindaloo
To huevos rancheros
