
- I rent
- I rent

- What was it about that night?
- What was it about that night?

- Connection in an isolating age
- Connection in an isolating age

- For once the shadows
- For once the shadows

- Gave way to light
- Gave way to light

- For once I didn't disengage
- For once I didn't disengage

- Angel, I hear you, I hear it, I see it
- Mimi, I see you

- I see it, my film
- I hear it, I hear it, I hear it, my song

- Alexi, Mark. Call me a hypocrite...
- One song, glory

...I need to finish my own film. I quit.
- Mimi, your eyes

Dying in America
At the end of the millennium
- We're dying in America
- We're dying in America

- To come into our own
- To come into our own

- And when you're dying in America
- And when you're dying in America

- At the end of the millennium
- At the end of the millennium

- You're not alone
- You're not alone

- I'm not alone
- I'm not alone

- I'm not alone
- I'm not alone

- Speak.
- Speak.

Hey, guys, it's Benny.
Look, I was wondering
if you've seen Mimi.

I haven't seen her
in a couple of weeks.

She dropped out of rehab...
...and I'm afraid that she may
have started using again.

- lf you find out anything, let me know.
- Hi, Roger, Mark...
