
Thanks, Rodney. You're number one.
Rodney! Rodney! Rodney!
Oh, yeah.
I have never felt so relaxed.
Say, do you mind giving me a little
scratch between the shoulder blades?

There you... Easy, tiger.
Hey! Take it easy.
Hey, what are you trying to do,
kill me?

Relax. It's me, your mommy.
- How did you get in here?
- I came up the air shaft.

I know you don't like
anybody here to see me.

- Well, what do you want?
- Someone's fixing them.

- What?
- Someone is repairing outmodes...

...and they are laughing at you.
- Who?

And are you sure they're not
laughing with me?

So what if one crazy fanatic repairs
a few outmodes? Who cares?

Think. Use those brains
I stole for you. Today, it's one.

What about tomorrow, when
everybody gets the idea this is okay?

"We can fix ourselves.
We don't need upgrades.

We want Bigweld. "
Then what happens to you?
Okay, okay. Take it easy.
We've got to find out
who this is and stop him.

Not stop him, crush him, destroy him.
And by the way, I brought you
a little something for your desk.
