Rock School

You know when you know
you practiced enough?

When you can play your song

with a fuckin' World War III
going on around you.

And I don't care, 'cause hopefully
you'll practice in the future.

But you know what you guys did?
You let those guys see you sweat tonight.

And you never do that.
You let 'em see you sweat.
Okay? Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna play pretend.

We're gonna pretend
that the first set was a joke...

and we were just pretending
we were kids...

and pretending we didn't know
what amps we were plugged into...

or what microphones to use...
or where the smoke was coming from,
or what the lyrics are.

But guess what.
Nobody went home.

They want to be rocked tonight.
And we've got about one song
to show them we're not fuckin' around.

We're gonna do the songs too wild,
and they're gonna say...

"What the fuck was that first set?
Where did those kids go?

Who are these new kids?"
You hear me?

- Yeah.
- If you don't believe that, leave now.

If you think this is all a joke, leave now.
'Cause you know what I do?

I make really good musicians.
That's what I do for a living.

That's why I am who I am.
And I'll tell you how to do it.

Smile, fuck them, fuck you
and just play your songs.

If you mess up,
you meant to mess up.

Okay? Thank you.
Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron man lives again
