Rock School

- "Purple Daze. "
- No "Purple Rain," no.

Why don't you fuckin' do the songs
you don't know? No "Purple Rain. "

- Paul, what do you want me to do?
- I want you to know the song!

- I know the song.
- I want you to know the keyboard!

Get people in your songs together...
and teach them so you
are all playing the same parts.

I want people to understand when they
sound good and listen to their own parts...

and have some fuckin' pride
in this shit.

That's a mess.
Don't fuckin' shake your head.

He'll bash heads with me a lot,
you know, around other people.

But when it's just the two of us,
or like three of us hanging out...

you know, me and, like, one other person
and Paul, he'll tell me...

you know, like,
you know I don't hate you.

Did you ever get together
with the people on this song once?

- Yes, I did.
- How come they don't know how it goes?

I don't know, Paul. 'Cause they don't know
how to play their instruments maybe.

Oh, and you're so fuckin' hot.
All right?

I don't know, Paul.
What do you want me to do?

I want you to get the people
and have them learn their songs!

I'm doing everything I can.
That's what I've been saying
since the beginning!

You weren't even playing
the right parts.

I kept cuing you,
and you wouldn't play it.

Madi would have been
out of here a long time ago...

if I didn't feel I had something to
teach her and owed it to her to teach her.

So, the net loss
that she brings to my program...

I mean, really, as far as
morale and sort of influence...

is disregarded because I really feel
like Madi is an extraordinary talent.

That's what I've been saying.
Bullshit. Ask Lee if I've talked
to her once this whole time.

- This rehearsal!
- Goddamn it. Bite my ass.

All right.
Why aren't you working?

I gave you a new song.
Why aren't you working with people?

It gets mixed up sometimes.
Sometimes my friends say...

"You're talking to me like you talk
to the kids. " I do that sometimes.

But Paul Green, the dude,
is a simple guy.

You know, he likes...
You know, I mean...

When I am able to leave work behind,
I go home.

I like, you know, watching movies.
I like watching basketball.
I like making a fire.

You know, it's like
I tell the kids about performing...

it's a lot of me...
is performing, you know.
