Rumor Has It...

an itself question that is
Exactly what has in lie.

As I am a biographer or enthusiast
Of the Ché, I have my theories.

I believe that spoke of something that perhaps
Saw many times in its life.

The mystery of the recuperação.
The moment in that sick,
Despite of everything, is going to live.

It forget the suffering
And it oblige to be cured.

That era a revolução for Ché.
It do that the inimaginável
Appear for pure will.

Ladies and riders, to
revolução of the Internet...

Não is going to come.
Already arrived.
They are going to assure the
Domain ''''.

If they organize the market,
They are able to be done both you sew.

It knew this about good spring,
Team and Warner vão melt.

That will change to the world.
This is to third company
multimilionária that was created and sold...

In less of ten years. Has
Problems with the commitments?

There are two theories with regard to that
By example...

the people believes that my caste of concentração
it is demasiada short...

for the details of the day by day,
that alone interests me in the ação.

And to another one theory is...
Which was the question?
And now that is going to happen?
Miss Huttinger, as estão
The things in new york?

I stayed happy in attend to the representatives
Of that city. You ask?

Still não.
- Necessary of you a moment.
- Não can expect?

- Have that não.
- My excuses.

Miss Huttinger.
This is immense. It is the proxy...
Better of everybody. I treated
straightly with Ken Patterson...

And it believes, I am impressed.
