Rumor Has It...

It used condom?
With!... You? By that?...
By that would be imported?...
Ah, não.
I was born in 3 of March of 1964. A
week before of itself fulfill the...

nine months of the marriage, like this that
I am certain between my father...

And you não itself knows well. Não me
I look to him, não vote as he...

não I drive as he,
and I believe that perhaps...

Sarah, forgives. Não occurred me
before yourself thought that...

It is possible, even if
It have used, is possible.

- Não is.
- Clear that yes!

- Não!
- The little shirts break very.

- Slip, especially itself a...
- It is impossible.

That I have sons.
- It is sterile?
- Big talk, Beau!

But perhaps não was there is 30 years.
39 years, exactly.
As, as the knowledge?
- By my trauma testicular blunt.
- That?

In mine first year of studies, era
The doorman of the team of soccer.

In the semifinals, hindered,
a vein running, alone...

I left it stop the playing
and its leg was played behind...

and I threw myself to the chão.
And alone we say that...

He gave a kick in the wrong ball.
Testicular blunt?
And that left you sterile.
Have that yes.
