Rumor Has It...

- AND what?
- I Want to say that...

This não is normal!
Knows? Yes, it is very old for me.
Obviously I am a lot
confused right now...

and the of last night was, não
I know, as an iniciação.

Perhaps all the women of mine
Family should sleep with you.

Não I know should be done.
But yes they did.
Office of Beau Burroughs.
Hello it is Jeff Daly again.
- I Feel. With who I speak?
- It Speaks Candace.

Hello, Candace. Listens,
It is able to say me where is?

- Necessary converse with you.
- I feel, não I am able to give him that informação.

I know, Candace, said myself
Before. But it is like an emergency.

I find to my fiancée, Sarah
Huttinger, should be with him.

Não knew about her and have that
Him it have happened something.

- I should come back.
- I also. I have a...

Dance for go.
