Saat po long

I've won!
And you suck big time!
One more game
Come on, one more game...
You're a loser
You say you're gonna beat me every week
You say you'd try harder
and play a better game every week

But you lose every time you come back
A born loser
I'm not as gifted as you
You hawe to duck when people punch you
Every week...
Don't spend it all at once
You say you'd try harder every week
But you lose every week
See you next week
Try harder next week
I killed that man, and I've come to
turn myself in. Arrest me, jerk!

Shut your trap!
I did it. Take me in
Arrest me! Why don't you arrest me?
All you cops listen,
I am responsible for the case

What did you do?
Shut up!
File all their reports!
Who told you you could use the phone?
Give me the phone!
