
- Dr. Eva Rojas.
- Hi.

I'm delighted to make your
acquaintance. I'm Yves Massarde.

Nice to meet you.
This is Dr. Frank Hopper.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Yves does a lot of business
in Africa.

Some even in Mali.
Will you excuse me?
I understand you believe there is some
sort of plague coming out of Mali?

We don't like to say "plague."
- What do you think it is then?
- A plague.

So you do business in Mali?
Do you know anyone there
who could help us

by pressuring the WHO
to send a team?

Well, you see, much of Mali
is controlled by a warlord.

General Kazim. Do you know him?
Yes. He used to be a colonel
in the Malian army,

and gave himself an upgrade
the day he shot the president.

He's the man who put the "war"
back into "warlord."

And he controls the country?
Half of it. And the other half
no one controls,

but I don't know which is worse.
But I have to warn you, it is very
dangerous for foreigners right now.

I would say it's probably
more dangerous for locals.

Yes, but your death would
look very bad in the papers.

So does the word "plague."
All right, I will call some people,
but at the end of the day,

I'm just a businessman,
so be patient.

Oh, yeah, she's good at that.
He's not gonna help us.
This was a waste of time.

Eva, we can't just wander into
the middle of a Malian civil war.

The fighting with the Tuaregs
is too severe. You know that.

I think we should go back
to the hospital...

Admiral, have you ever seen
a Confederate gold dollar?

- Dear God, don't start this again.
- Of course not.

The Confederacy never made
a gold dollar.

The mint was destroyed
near the end of the war.

Dirk, I beg you on my hands
and knees. Don't.

But not before Jefferson Davis
had five samples made.

He gave four of those samples
to his top generals:

- Lee, Jackson, Stuart and Johnston.
- Every time we come to Africa,

out comes that stupid ship model.
Out come the old port journals.

We are leaving for Australia

Four of those samples
have been found.

But the fifth never was.
That one was given to
an old family friend of Davis.

A brilliant young sea captain
named Mason Tombs.

Captain of the CSS ironclad Texas.
