
:44:00 didn't really work
the first time.

- I lost my hat.
- Again?

Man, is Sandecker gonna be mad
when you tell him
you lost the satellite phone.

Not as mad as when Rudi tells him
it was attached to the boat.

- Wait. Why me?
- Because we're not going back.

- Right, Dirk?
- Nope. We're going to Asselar.

- No more Texas?
- Ironclad's on hold for a while, guys.

Those soldiers weren't after us.
They were after the doctors.

I got a feeling whatever bug
Eva's chasing, it must be a doozy.

- We gotta get there first.
- I'm going with you.

- Nope, you gotta tell Sandecker.
- Hold on. Hold on.

How am I gonna get across the border?
I never took survival training.

- Consider this your course.
- It's kind of pass-fail,

which I always thought was easier.
Look, Rudi. Lay up here till dark, then
make your move. The border's not far.

- Okay.
- All right.

Al, you remember
that time in Morocco?

Oh, yeah, when you made me ride
that damn camel

- That bit my ass.
- Yeah, that's the time.

God! What is the secret
to this thing?

Just wrap it around your nugget.
- What part? Here? This?
- Yeah.

Well, how come yours stays on?
Maybe you got a small head.
I don't think so.
Somebody would've told me.
