
We'll get through, huh?
- This way.
- Please tell me what I am doing here.

Five men shot dead in cold blood.
What do you think about that?

Hardly my responsibility.
No, no, no, you sit, you sit.
You are a very brave man.
The only survivor.
Crawled all the way from Asselar
to bring me the news.

- How very commendable.
- Caught in a classic Tuareg ambush,

- Wouldn't you say?
- Possibly.

One problem.
There were no Tuareg.

Why didn't you tell me the doctors
had American military support?

- Because they didn't.
- The two unarmed men who did this...

...they were not amateurs, Yves.
Nor were the ones on the boat.

- And they're the same men, I think.
- They're treasure hunters, general.

Marine salvage, they call themselves.
- Hardly your military elite.
- Don't underestimate them.

Watch out. And if you find them,
bring them to me.

What is it?
Get out of the Jeep.
Keep your hands up.
Move slowly.
