Saint Ralph

- She was already
pretty weak, Ralph.

- Christ, Alice.
- I'm sorry.
- So, St. Francis,
who had grown up very rich,

left Assisi one last time,
this time decided to give away

everything he had,
even the clothes off his back.

Soon thereafter, he performed
the miracle of the stigmata.
Just like Christ, he bled.

- Do you need to be a saint?
- What? For what?

- To produce a miracle.
- Uh... no.
It's not a bad question, though.
There are three considerations
necessary for that, Mr. Walker:

Faith, purity and prayer.
For faith, you need
to truly believe in something

that doesn't make
any logical sense.

For prayers, you need to be
in direct communication with God.

And for purity, you need to be
completely free from sin.

- So, anyone could perform
a miracle?

- Uh...
technically, yes.
A word with you,
Father Hibbert, if I may.
- Certainly, Father. Excuse me
for a minute, gentlemen.

- Were you aware that Nietzsche
was a communist?

- I can assure you, Father,
your sources are wrong.

Who are you reading?
- Stick to the catechism, Father.
Nietzsche has no place
in the ninth grade religion class,

nor any religion class
in my school.

These students won't survive
unless they follow the rules.

- "The Anarchist and the Christian
have a common origin. "

Nietzsche wrote that.
I think there's some truth to it,

- Don't push it, Father Hibbert.
- Yes, Father.
