Salaam Namaste

Nice day isn't it ?
l'm Ron.....Ron.
l'm Lisa.
Lisa. Lisa's such a nice name,
Lisa. What do you do, Lisa ?

For 50 bucks, anything you want.
During his college days,
Ranjan Mathur was so busy studying...

that he was oblivious to the basic
differences between boys and girls.
Although he became
a successful architect,

his vision cleared up one day,
when he suddenly realized that
the world didn't just
consist of buildings.

There were other shapes as well
and they were much more interesting.

Since then, he has been
wearing his hear on his sleeve,

aiming for evey girl
crossing his sights,

hoping that someday, somehow...
he'll manage to snag
one for himself.

l've got to go... Thank you...
- Ok... Ok... Fory...

Who was that ?
A friend.
From office ?
- No. She lives nearby.

What was her name ? - Lisa.
Let's give her a lift, yaar.
The poor girl's standing
all alone at the bus stop.

She's going the other way.
So it's pointless.

What... ? - How much was she asking for ?
Fory dollars.
Ron ! Can't you tell ?
How could l ? She smiled sweetly,
shook hands, even said her name.

l thought she was so friendly.
You must've stared planning
your wedding already.

What rubbish ! l'm not that frustrated.
Only the engagement.
Tell me something,
why am l coming with you ?

Because weddings are vey boring
and l don't want to get bored alone.

Thanks - You're welcome.
So, what are we listening ?
Salaam Namaste.
What ? - l love to hear
you being praised on air.
