Salaam Namaste

Ambar.. Amby listen to me.
Go away.
But what have l done ?
Why are you so angy ?
How long have you known me ?
For five days.
Five days ?
Well, l'm counting two days
on the phone as well.

Listen, you don't even know me.
l do.
Really ?
What do you know about me ?
- Well..

You're an RJ,
you're studying to be a surgeon.

You're vey beautiful,
you dance vey well..

:39:22're superb at playing volleyball,
you hate latecomers.. and l love you.

You.. you can't be in love with me.
- Why ? What's wrong with you ?

With me ? Nothing's wrong with me, the
problem's with you. Get your head checked.

You think a two-day acquaintance is love !
- What else can you call this ?

Ever since l've met you,
l haven't been able to think of anything else.

And don't tell me that
you don't feel a connection.

Yesterday, there was something between us.
And there still is, today.

Yes there is.
But it can't be love.
Why ? Amby listen..
Excuse me. Yes ? - Hello .
What ? Oh crap .
l'm on my way.
l'm coming .
You told me to get married right ?
lt's all your fault.

You were the one who told me to
go around dropping handkerchiefs.

This is what happens..
when you make rash decisions.
Fall in love in one day..
Five days. - Get married in two.
lt's not a joke.

You don't know each other,
you don't know anything about each other..

and you decide to spend
the rest of your lives together ?

Really stupid. - Yes, he is.
But who's talking about marriage ?
lf we need to know each other,
let's do that.

lf we need to understand each other,
let's spend time together.

And all this because
l play good volleyball ?

No ! Because maybe this
is love, and maybe not.

Unless we give this feeling
a chance how will we find out ?

lt won't work Nick
- l know, it just won't work, Nick.

Why ?
Because he's a pig.
By the time you wake up,
l'm at the radio station.

You're working at the restaurant
from afternoon till night..

l'm in college, then l'm studying.
How do we meet ? Where's the time Nick ?

