Salaam Namaste

You did all this in one day ?
Aren't the curains
too silk-satiny ?

And what are these candles for ?
We never have power cuts here

You aren't even slightly romantic
That's worse !
Shut up. l love these candles. Smell them.
What ? - Smell them.
They're scented candles.

You don't like anything, do you ?
No ! l love it.
Difference number three.
Hello ? Hey Ron !
Hi Cathy.
What ?
That's great news !
Are you mad ?
Wow ! When did you find out ?
What was the bloody hury ?
What do you mean it just happened ?
Haven't you heard of protection ?

Oh Cathy, l'm so happy for you.
You don't know what you're getting into,
staying up nights, changing diapers.

And, and..
l know ! Seeing them walk for the
first time, hearing them speak.

Ron ! Your life's over.
Oh Cathy, this is such
a bright new chapter.

l'm going to come and see you
in the evening. Okay ? Bye !

l have no words, Ron. No, l have no words.
Nick !
Oh shit !
No, no it's fine.
ls it bleeding ?

Oh, damn it.
Let me take a look.
No, no, it's all right.
- lt's not all right Nick.

lt's a really bad cut.
You need to see a doctor.

No ! No doctors ! Trust me.
lt's fine. - Nick,
you may need stitches.

lt's really bad.
- Stitches ? No, no, no stitches.

Listen, l know my system.
lt's all right.

Stop all that !
- Nick, stop being difficult.

You need a doctor.
No, No doctor please ! Okay ?
l don't like hospitals and doctors.

l am a doctor !
Stop moving.
lt'll burn ! - lt won't
lt will burn.
- You won't even know when it happens.

Okay shut your eyes
and think of something nice.

Like ? - Like anything..
something you like.
