
I'm sorry.
If your quarry goes to ground,
leave no ground to go to.

You should have
taken my offer.

Or did you think none of this
was your fault?

I don't murder children.
I do.
If I have to.

Do you even know
why they sent you?

It's not my place to ask.
I believe in something
greater than myself.

A better world.
A world without sin.
So me and mine
gotta lay down and die...

so you can live
in your better world?

I'm not going to live there.
There's no place
for me there...

any more than
there is for you. Malcolm...

I'm a monster.
What I do is evil.
I have no illusions about it,
but it must be done.

Keep talking.
You're not getting
a location trace
off this wave.

And every minute
you keep River Tam from me,
more people will die.

You think I care?
Of course you care.

You're not a Reaver, Mal.
You're a human man
and you will never
understand how...

Get these bodies together.
We got time
for grave digging?

Zoe, you and Simon
rope them together.

Five or six.
I want them laid out
on the nose of our ship.

Are you insane?
I won't desecrate
these bodies.

I don't understand.
What do you mean,
the bodies...

I want you to muck up
the reactor core.

Just enough to leave a trail
and make it read like...

we're flying
without containment,
not enough to fry us.

These people
are our friends.

you got a day's work to do
and two hours to do it.

Jayne, you and Wash
hoist up the cannon mount.
Goes right on top.

Piece or two
of the other ship,
stick it on.

Any place you can tear hull
without inner breach,
do that, too.

We're gonna need paint.
We're gonna need red paint.

do you really mean
to turn our home
into an abomination...

so that we can make
a suicidal attempt...
