Sin City

Victim number 4
Nancy Callahan, age 11
And she'll be raped and slashed to ribbons
and that backup that we're waiting on
will just so happen to show up just late enough
for Rourk to get back to his U.S. Senator daddy
Take a deep breath, Hartigan
Settle down and think straight
You're pushing 60 and you got a bum ticker
You ain't saving anyone
Got a great attitude, Bob
Real credit to the force, you are
Aileen's home waiting for you. Think about Aileen
Heck, Bob
Maybe you are right
I'm glad to hear you're finally talking sense
Hell of way to end a partnership
Hell of a way to start my retirement
Nancy Callahan, age 11
For all I know, she's dead already
You've been a very good, Nancy
You've been very quiet
Don't be scared
We're going to be taking you home really soon
But first, we're going to introduce you to somebody
He's a very nice man
Half way to the warehouse where Weevil said they took her and it hits
Wicked spot of indegestion
At least that's what I pray it is
I seek only the most lighthearted and momentary degression
The briefest indulgement in automotive pleasure
...for cheap thrills. Such shortlived durability, Mr. Shlubb
You would risk engendering an ill will on the part of our employers
Burt Shlubb and Douglass Klump
2 any-job-there-is thugs with dellusions of eloquance
This Jaguar you so pinheadedly covet
temporarily remanded to our customer, though it may be
