Sin City

Well? There's only so much a man can take
Go try the Alamo over on Dillan Street. That's the Alamo, not the Amigo
The Amigo's a fag joint
Are you having a good time? Humiliating me like this for no damn reason at all?
That's far enough, Dwight
We've been on top of these peckerwoods since they first showed up with that cop behind them
Everything's under control. Enjoy the show
There's no use arguing with her
The ladies are their own enforcers
So how's the barmaid? You know, the one that never shuts up
Not right now, Gail
Oooh, wound up a little tight, aren't we?
That's your whole problem, Dwight
You worry too much
That and your lousy taste in women
These days, anyway
Damnit, Gail. Not right now
Those clowns, down the way. They some of the barmaids' boyfriends?
1 of them thinks he is. He's out of control
I followed them here to make sure he didn't hurt any of the girls
Us helpless, little girls
All kinds of death is about to hit less than 20 yards ahead of us
And still it's hard to take my eyes off her
Us girls are as safe as can be, Lancelot
Those boys in that Chrystler are 1 mistake away
from seeing what Miho can do
And she's been aching for some practice
She guards my glance upward to the pixie perched on the roofs edge
Deadly Little Miho
You're running out of valley, cowboy
Turn around. Safe yourself and your buddies a ton of grief
You're a sassy little thing
You ain't hardly in any kind of position to be making threats
The trap is set. Locked and ready to spring
So what? They're scum. They deserve what's coming
