Sin City

Detective Lieutenant Jack Rafferty
"Iron Jack", the papers call him
A goddamn hero cop
It's hell for years, the shaky truce
The cops get a slice of the profits and free entertainment when they throw a party
The girls get to administer their own brand of justice
They get to defend their own turf
If a cop blunders into the neighborhood and he's not shopping for what the girls are selling
They send him packing
But they send him back alive
That's the rules
That's the truce
The cops stay out
That keeps the girls free to keep the pimps and the mob out
Old Town will be left wide open
It'll be war
The streets will run red with blood
women's blood
The cops
The mob. Things are going to go back to the way they used to be
The hell they will
We got guns
We'll fight the cops and the and mob and anybody else who tries to move in on us
We'll go to war
Don't be stupid, Gail. You wouldn't stand a chance
Get me a car
Make sure it's a hard top with a decent engine
I'll hide the bodies
Did you forget that cop car that trailed them here?
The cops know Rafferty came here
They'll check the river, they'll check the sewer
They'll find him and come gunning for us
I'll hall the bodies to the pits. The cops won't check the pits. Get that gun out of my face or I'll smack you
Who do you think you are, giving orders?
-You got what you wanted out of us
-Shut up, Gail

You got what you wanted out of me
And you were gone, off playing with that barmaid. Gone until you brought this unholy mess on us
Miho moves to my back
1 word from Gail and she'll cut me in half
