Sin City

And never
Where'd you find that heap?
Just look at that trunk
-We'll never fit them all in

Unless there's something else you want me to do, do you think maybe I could go home?
All this blood and stuff's got me feeling like maybe I got to hurl
Sure, Becky, go home. But don't you talk to anybody
Not even your mom
They'll never fit in that trunk
Not like this, they won't
Dry your hair as soon as you get home
You'll catch cold if you don't
Hey, Becky. Gail said no calls
I just want to hear my mom's voice. I won't tell her nothing
Please, don't say nothing to Gail
Hey, mama?
Dizzy dames
What were they thinking sticking me up with a bucket of bolts like this?
We were barely able to get the trunk to stay closed as it was, we packed it so tight
There wasn't anything we could do but pile Jackie Boy in right next to me
Now where anybody who cares to look will see him
Go ahead. Take 1 of his cigarettes
It'll help
