Sin City

It's got you smoking there, bud
You shut the hell up, Jackie Boy
You're dead
I'm just imagining this, so shut the hell up
That tells you something about your state of mind, don't it
It's got you hearing things. It's got your nerves shot
It's got you smoking
You know it's true... Nobody ever really quits
A smoker's a smoker when the chips are down
-And your chips are down... much
-I'm fine, you shut the hell up

Will you look at that
Those hookers let you down
What are you going to do when you run out of gas? Call Triple A?
You sucker for the babes
You ain't even going to make it to the pits
You shut the hell up. I'll make it
Not unless you keep your eyes on the road, sugar pie
Watch it!
Ah, this is great. Just like being in a body movie
Shut up!
Oh, you're screwed
It's over. You're flushed
This time I can't bring myself to tell him to shut up
Sure he's an asshole. Sure he's dead
