Sin City

I'm the designated driver
Well, you're driving with a busted tail light
I'll let you off with a warning
What next?
The tank goes dry a quarter mile from the pits
I shove the T-Bird the rest of the way
A few minutes more work and it'll all be over
Jackie Boy will go into the damn tar pits
I'll catch a train out of Sacred Oaks
Go home and call it a...
No more questions, Dallas. Do what I say. Clear the streets
We're on lockdown. We're not selling any tail in Old Town
Not tonight
Don't struggle. You'll only hurt yourself
Your cause is lost
We know everything
Soon the corpse of Detective Rafferty will be in our possession
And the truce between your prostitutes and the police will be shattered
There'll be arrests. There'll be deaths
My employer will sieze what remains of this neighborhood
You will all be slaves. Nothing can stop this
But it is within your power to save many lives
by facilitating the process of transition
by negotiating the terms of the surrender
