Sin City

You find something, Murphy?
Look to be our poor dead cop's badge
It's all bent up
Bent and stock in it
Oh, bloody he... It's the bullet
You son of a bitch!
They weren't cops, these 4
They were mercenaries
And if they were hired by who I think they were, the bad times haven't even started yet
And everything seemed to be going so well
Remember, we don't have to deliver every last inch of the man, Brian
You got a good point there, Ronnie
Hand me a knife
Should take a nap while I'm doing all this waiting
I'm at the bone, alright?
Here we go
Have you ever seen anything so pretty in your whole life?
We're a back to 3 of you. And if anyone happens by, use your imagination. OK?
Silence now
No air to breath
Only the horrid oily tar taste creeping up my nostrils
Let it in. Let it fill your lungs
They were counting on you, and you blew it
