Sin City

Skinny, stealy fingers at my wrist
Miho, you're an angel. You're a saint
You're Mother Theresa. You're Elvis
You're a god
And if you've shown up 10 minutes earlier, we'd still have Jackie Boy's head
Dwight, they got Gail
It's a sinch. You got yourself a spy in Old Town
A stooly who sold you out to the mob
We got to find out who it is and rescue Gail
But first we got to get our hands on Jackie Boy's head before it gets to wherever it's going and then this whole situation blows wide open
Miho. I hope to hell you left 1 of them alive enough to talk
I let him know I'm not fooling around
We talk
Stay smart, stay cool
It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn
Sometimes that means dying
Sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people
There they are. What do we do?
We stop them, Dallas
Jackie Boy's head so close to me, I could almost reach out and grab it right then and there
Get the head, get the head
I got it, I got it
