Sin City

Brave lad
I could've put a bullet straight down your ear just now
if I haven't gotten my revolver all wet and useless
you got the drop on my, love
I'm as helpless as a baby
Better come clean with you, sweetheart
It was an old trade lie I was giving you about my revolver being wet
You see, I'm not too fond of shooting
It's my preference to blow things off
I should blast the roof off a pulp
I've seen all the parts flying off people
Little bang-bang's never going to match the size of that
And here's me with all these fine grenades, such a sweet beauty of a remote
But it's my knife I'll be doing you with
You killed my mates
Someone should've told you
Never give an Irishman a good cause for revenge
Deadly little Miho
You won't feel a thing unless she wants you to
She twists the blade
He feels it
I tell Miho what we're going to do and how we're going to do it
I grab poor Dallas's car phone and make the most important call of my life
First we got to rescue Gail
Then comes the kill
The big fat kill
You just going to stand there and watch this?
You kidding me man?
Like watching old Manute do his thing all night long, and not get tired of it. I mean, the man's an artist
Only an artist should be allowed to touch such a beautiful subject
