Sin City

Shut up
Dwight. Don't do this
Hey, wait a minute. Something's not right
Shut up. Or I'll plug you
Of course, Mr. McCarthy. A fair trade. She's all yours
Now if you'll explain why we shouldn't blow both of you to pieces
Dwight, what have you done?
Exactly what I had to... every step of the way
No, it isn't right. There wasn't no tape over his mouth. How come there's tape over his mouth
Where the fight counts for a lot
You trick, McCarthy, but it will do you no good
But there's nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns
No, McCarthy, you shan't!
The girls all know the score
No escape
No surrender
No mercy
We got to kill every last rat bastard one of them
Every last one
Not for revenge. Not because they deserve it. not because it'll make the world a better place
We need a heap of bloody bodies so when mob boss, Wallenquist, looks over his charts of profits and losses, he'll see what it cost him to mess with the girls of Old Town
The valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure hate for blood-thirsty joy of the slaughter
