Sin City

Everyone would lie for me, everyone who counts
Otherwise all their own lies, everything that runs Sin City, it all comes tumbling down like a pack of cards
But I want you firm, fit, and healthy
I'm even putting up cash of my own to get you more surgery. Fix that... heart condition of yours
You're going to keep living a long time, I'm going to make sure of that
You're going to be convicted of raping that little brat
And shooting my boy
Your wife. You tell her the truth, and she's dead
You tell anybody the truth, and they're dead
They won't let testify
I told the cops that you saved my life and they just (???) like I was crazy
They talked my parents into keeping me away
They said that you done things that you didn't do
I told them that you saved me from that Rourk creep
But they won't even check me out to see if I'm still a virgin
Still a virgin, still alive
Thanks to you
They got it all backwards
Sometimes the truth doesn't matter like it ought
But you'll always remember things, right?
That's going to mean a lot to me
Stay away, Nancy
They'll kill you if you don't stay away
Don't visit me, don't write me, don't even say my name
If you won't let me visit, but I'll still write to you, Hartigan
I'll sign my letters "Cordelia"
It's a name of a really cool detective in books I read
I'll write to you every week
For forever
Sure kid
