Sin City

Nancy, don't scream. Whatever he does to you, don't scream
She'll scream. I'm going to take all night doing dear old Nancy. And you're going to die knowing it's all your fault
They've all screamed, Hartigan
Dozens of them. Maybe a hundred
8 years worth. Every one of them screamed
And if there weren't so many people hear about, I would show you how to make dear old Nancy scream
It's going to be 1 hell of a show
This is it. No way to fight it now
No hope left
No chance
This is it
This is the end
Give it a shot, old man. Keep your neck tight
Move. The window. Maybe there's an alarm
The window. Keep your neck tight, God dammit. Stay conscious
Stay conscious
No alarm
The glass. Cut the rope. You can do it
You can do it
It is inclement upon me to comment with mark displeasure on your rash impulsiveness
in selecting such an eye-catching and impracticle car to heist, Mr. Shlubb
Irrelevent to said mission, is the following queary which I now put forth to you
Where in this most streamlined and trunkless of transports, boner inspiring
though it may be, where in, are we to reposit our recently deceased cargo?
I can only express puzzlement that borders on alarm
