Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage

are only a young girl has been midled
by wrong teaching

Probably it's our own fault
I feel someone like you should be
a member of our Bund deutsche Maedel

You known, when I learned
Nazis are kiliing mentally impaired children
with poison gas, how shocked was I?

My mom's friends has described to me
how the children from Church Welfare program were taken from the caretakers

Taken away by trucks
The kids were asking
"Where does the truck go?"

"Going to heaven" Caretakers answers
So the kids got on the truck and singing.
I have the same feelings like them.
You think I am not taught well?

These are invaulable lives
You have heard from the caretakers

They have mental paients.
Yes, I clearly know
under any circumstances,

nobody will be treated
like a person created by God.

Nobody knows, what the soul
of a mantal paient is like?

nobody knowns, that innate,
increidbally mature existance without body

every life has it's value
You must get used to this coming new age
What you have said is not reality
What I said is related to reality and custom
- Relate to Moral¡¢God
- God doesn't exist

You believe what your brother did is right?
You are just an accomplice
It's not like that?
