Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

They're shutting down all the controls.
Move to the right so I can
get a clear shot at them.

The mission. Get to the Command Ship.
Get the Chancellor!

I'm running out of tricks here.
In the name of...
Hold your fire! You're not helping here.
I agree, bad idea.
I can't see a thing! My cockpit's fogging.
They're all over me, Anakin.
- Move to the right.
- Hold on, Anakin.

You're going to get us both killed!
Get out of here.
There's nothing more you can do.

I'm not leaving without you, Master.
Get 'em, Artoo.
Watch out!
Artoo, hit the buzz droid's center eye.
- Yeah, you got him!
- Great, Artoo.

the General's Command Ship is dead ahead.
Have you noticed the shields are still up?
Oh?!? Sorry, Master.
Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.
