Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

but you don’t use them.
Good, Anakin, good.
Kill him.
Kill him now!
I shouldn't...
Do it!!
You did well, Anakin.
He was too dangerous to be kept alive.
Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner.
I shouldn't have done that.
It's not the Jedi way.

It is only natural. He cut off your arm,
and you wanted revenge.

It wasn't the first time, Anakin.
Remember what you told me
about your mother

and the Sand People.
Now, we must leave before
more security droids arrive.

Anakin, there is no time.
We must get off the ship
before it's too late.

He seems to be all right.
Leave him, or we'll never make it.
His fate will be the same as ours.
Prepare for attack.
All batteries fire! Fire!
