Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Why didn't the Council give me
this assignment when we were in session?

This assignment is not to be on record.
The Chancellor is not a bad man, Obi-Wan.
He befriended me. He's watched out
for me ever since I arrived here.

That is why you must help us, Anakin.
Anakin. Our allegiance is to the Senate,
not to its leader who has managed to stay
in office long after his term has expired.

the Senate demanded that he stay longer.
Yes, but use your feelings, Anakin.
Something is out of place.

You're asking me to do
something against the Jedi Code.

Against the Republic.
Against a mentor... and a friend.
That's what's out of place here.

Why are you asking this of me?
The Council is asking you.
Anakin did not take to his assignment
with much enthusiasm.

It's very dangerous, putting them together.
I don't think the boy can handle it.
I don't trust him.
With all due respect, Master,
is he not the Chosen One?

Is he not to destroy the Sith
and bring balance to the Force?

So the prophecy says.
A prophecy...
that misread could have been.
He will not let me down.
He never has.
I hope right you are.
Sometimes, I wonder what's happening
to the Jedi Order...
