State Property 2

God damn!
What's wrong, bro?
Somebody been
in our fuckin' hut, man!

That's crazy.
Hey, C.O.!
What? You got a problem?
Yeah, man. You walk
this fuckin' block all day.

You ain't see nobody
come in our fuckin' hut?

Oh, you gotta be careful
in here.

You got a lot of nice stuff.
Nice pair of tennis shoes.
Worth a lot.

Man, fuck you!
Fuckin' nut!
Man, that shit don't make
no fuckin' sense.

I mean, why would
somebody run in my hut?

They might as well tie the sheet
round their neck theirself.

I mean, you gonna risk your life
over a pair of sneakers?

Nah, man.
And to make matters worse...
the next day, my man D-Nice
came to visit me.

He only show up when
he gotta tell me good news.

What's up, D?
What's up, man. You know
I had to come see my boy, man.

They call me Billy D-Nice...
smooth, smart, and poz.
Always level-headed.
Yeah, long time
no hear from, man.

What's goin' on, man?
Everything's good.
Everything good?
Everything's good.
I hate these fuckin'
visiting rooms...

talkin' on
these nut-ass phones.

They're probably taping us
right now.

Talk to me, though.
What's goin' on, man?

Well, we had a party.
Y'all had a party?
Actually, we've had
four parties the past two weeks.

Y'all had four parties?
Past two weeks.
We had one in West Philly.
Surprise party.

Hold it. Freeze.
Don't fuckin' move.

I didn't do shit, man.
What the fuck
is y'all doin', man?

Come on, man.
