Statski sovetnik

l asked you not to come here like this.
You should have telephoned me.
lt's such a displeasure to deal with you.
This matter is not for telephone

What matter? Yesterday in Petersburg
Pozharsky took our party cash.
lt's a catastrophe.

We need to pay 50 thousand
to a printing shop in Berlin.

Also it's the pending execution
of our friends in Odessa.

The committee is asking, not ordering,
to find money for bribing.
lt'll need time.
And we don't have time.
- How much all in all?
- At least 120 thousand.

Urgently, within two-three days.
We'll need a specialist.
An official from Petersburg arrived
on his Majesty's commission
and is bidding you to come.

l frightened them, eh. Here l am,
with only one request: a cup of tea
to warm me up.

You must be Mylnikov.
- Your Excellency.
- Simply Gleb.

We're just colleagues. And your name is..?
- Evstafiy.
- Colonel...

Peter Burchinsky.
Glad to meet you.
And you must be
Erast Fandorin.
