The 40 Year Old Virgin

I went out with this girl
for four months...

and it was the greatest...
greatest thing in my life.
Until she went down on this
guy in an Escalade, I think.

And, you know,
instead of saying:

"Okay, what am I doing
that caused this behavior?"...

I dumped her. Stupid decision.
I spent the last two years
of my life regretting it.

Why don't you
get her back right now?

Because she's dating
this pot dealer.

Stupid horrible decision.
But, hey, that's her journey,
you know.
I gotta respect that.

I gotta give her the space.
She wants to be
some immature little bitch
and blow everybody...

that's love, man.
It sounds horrible.

Of course it's horrible.
It's suffering...

and it's pain and it's...
You know, you lose weight...

and then you
put back on weight...

and then you call them
a bunch of times...

and you try and email
and then they move
or they change their email...

but that's just love.
Do you realize that
this is the first time...

we've spoken for more than,
like, 30 seconds?

It's kind of nice.
Come out with us this weekend.

No pressure.
We'll just have a good time.

Okay, yeah, I will.
I'll give it a shot.

But I'm not going to have sex
with anybody.

Good, sex should be
the last thing on your mind.

**[I Got Ants In My Pants

Logjam. Hi.
Oh, God.
See you later.
Thanks for the dance.

I'm okay. It's all right.
