The Ballad of Jack and Rose

I'm sure if I cut her hair off,
she would have a breakdown of some kind.

How do you make your money?
I inherited a family business
when my father died, so I sold it.

So you're loaded.
I don't think you need to worry about that.
My mom said you were an engineer.
That's what I studied, right.
Alternative energy.

- You got your degree in England?
- Scotland.

But I've been an American since 1972.
Naturalized citizen, God help me.

Why did you do it, then?
Because I fell in love with this country...
with what I thought it was going to become.
You've got one more year of school left,
is that right?

Yeah, I guess so.
I was expelled
in the last year of high school.

For defecating in the 13th hole
of the school golf course.

Your school had a golf course?
He's doing real well in school.
Is that for me?
Yeah, sweetie. It's a cheese sandwich.
I haven't seen one like that since 1953.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Rosie, don't make me
bloody well chase after you!

They're not guests. They're moving in!
They're guests
until we see how it works out.

- They brought everything.
- Everything of what?

They brought their lamps!
I've got to admit
those lamps were shocking.

It's just an experiment, Rosie.
Let's just try it for a while,
see how it works out.

God forbid, you might even end up
wanting them to stay.

You tricked me!
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
