The Ballad of Jack and Rose

Breakfast! Now.
I love my life.
Excuse me.
What are you doing today?
I don't know.
Maybe I'll go find a job
mowing some other rich people's lawns.

Aren't there any other people
on this island or what?

Soon enough you won't be able to piss
on this island without 15 people clapping.

May I be excused?
Well, turn the light on at least.
You're going to ruin your eyes,
always reading in the dark.

You know,
Thaddius used to work in a garage.

I was just thinking it's amazing
his skin stayed so clear...

after working in that grime for so long.
- Pancake, Rose?
- Sure.

What are you on about?
Mom, he's gorgeous.
He probably already has a date lined up
for tonight. Isn't that right, Thaddius?

He has been known to date farm animals
under extreme duress.

Rodney, you ever going to take
that jacket off so I can wash it?

Yeah, Linus,
maybe you'd get a date then, too.

Can I come with you to look for your job?
You're not going anywhere.
You've got work to do.
And you can start
by putting some clothes on.
