The Ballad of Jack and Rose

You know, you're such a pretty girl,
you should learn how to use it.

I was only a couple of years
older than you...

when I had Rodney.
It's hard to believe,
you seem like a little girl.

Do you want to be my dad's wife?
Well, one step at a time.
With your Dad's heart as weak as it is,
I'm just trying to keep him alive.

It would help
if he ate a little meat occasionally.

This you need to learn to do
without a mirror.

Do you ever want to have kids someday?
Do you want to work, have a career?
Do you ever want to leave the island?
Why do you always wear that jacket?
Just scrub your tub, Miss Muffet.
You know what? It's too hot.
You're all sweaty.
And I'm going to get that off of you!

No! This is not funny. You're a sadist!
Stop it!
Jessie, come here, boy!
Hey. What happened to you?
Mom's got me cleaning the latrines.
- Who's Mom?
- Ask Jack.

You brought everything.
- Yup.
- That's great. Thanks.

- Hi.
- I'm Kathleen.

I deliver flowers for Rose
every now and then.

Well, you must have a name.
- Gray.
- Gray. That's a nice name.

Rose certainly is a passionate gardener.
