The Ballad of Jack and Rose

Next time someone asked me
what my name was, I just sort of said...

Red Berry, and it just kind of stuck.
Why did you run away?
The important thing is,
you have to forgive everybody.

I forgave everybody after I left,
even my mom and my brother.

Oh, my goodness. That's perfect.
We have a genuine and authentic, I'm sure...
wedding and engagement ring set.
And I think you shall have them.

Thank you.
Red Berry, you don't seem
like the marrying type. I'm sorry.

I'm definitely going to get married...
to a big fat man...
with a tiny wiener I can barely find.
- Not you, Rodney.
- Thank God.

He has to be really old, though. You know?
Do you think
that Kathleen is gonna marry your dad?

She wants to.
Yeah. Mom is a sucker for a sick man.
My father was a diabetic.
What was Thaddius' father like?
He was just an idiot.
I got a bee sting.
Hey, Rosie.
I didn't squash him or anything.
I was just out by the compost.

Rodney, come here for a second.
Let's have a look. Hold still.
You know, the only person you're hurting
with that is yourself.

I'll be living off guilt-burgers
for a couple of weeks now.

They're quite thinning.
All I want is to help you
get down to a normal size.

Shit! Easy!
Bloody fuss.
Why am I always the monster?
Will you please tell me that?
