The Ballad of Jack and Rose

How's that appeal coming?
As a matter of fact,
I was going to give you a call.

That isn't a wetland anymore.
As a matter of fact,
that isn't a house anymore. Mind if I...

What do you mean?
Go see for yourself.
I'm just going to build it again.
If you build it again,
I'll have to knock it down again.

I don't want to have to call the police.
Call them. I don't mind.
Listen, Jack.
I realize you and I have had our differences,
but by the same token...

you can't stop progress.
You can't stop the future from happening.

People have a right to build.
Laws change all the time
pertaining to the environment...

as the community's needs change.
I believe in putting people first.

That's just my personal belief.
But I want you to feel comfortable
with the situation.

So you need to tell me how that can happen.
What the hell do you mean, "comfortable"?
It occurs to me
that I haven't ever expressed...

my interest in your land to you.
You didn't have to.
I want you to know that if the day comes
where you want to move on...

to, say, a less...
developed part of the world...
We all have our dreams
of how we want to retire.

Anyhow, if that day ever comes, call me.
I think you'd be surprised
at how much your place is worth now.

When did you purchase the property?
I'd guesstimate you're looking at...
a 200% profit on your investment.
And that's conservative.

Is that so?
Yeah. Think about it.
I have to say...
